Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve gathered together the most frequently asked questions to help you out. But, if you don’t see the answer you need, please get in touch or send us an email on

Who is St Wite?

St Wite [pronounced Weeta] is the patron Saint of Dorset. Recognised and honoured by King Alfred the Great in 881, just fifty years after her martyrdom, through the building the first church of St Candida to house her relics. St Wite has remained enshrined in St Candida and the Holy Cross for over a thousand years. Her relics, miraculously surviving the Reformation. We have no written historical records of her ministry but we do have a strong oral history of her life, faith and death told generation after generation by locals and pilgrims alike. 

Find out more about St Wite by reading our history page.

What is a pilgrim?

There is a growing interest in pilgrimage around the world as people seek to make sense of life and their spirituality. Pilgrimage, simply means a journey undertaken by a pilgrim and a pilgrim is someone seeking deeper meaning and purpose in their life.  

St Wite’s Way, as the programme develops over the next couple of years, will offer opportunities to connect with your inner self and your spirituality with other pilgrims.  Through walking, meditation and spiritual exercises using history, storytelling and the creative arts we make our journey together, surrounded by the sacred landscape of West Dorset.

Do I have to be a Christian to take part?

No, you don’t have to have faith to take part in our pilgrimage experience. The walks we curate provide space for reflection and prayer, but you can use that time to meditate on your own thoughts and connect with nature, the world and yourself in your own way. 

What level of fitness do I need to walk the routes?

We'd say you need a moderate-to-good level of fitness. In our first route we will walk up the highest headland on the south coast – the Golden Cap. It’s a steep and steady climb to the top. Please come prepared. 

Are there toilets on the route?

There are toilets at the church. There are also toilets in the early stage of of Route One at a local farm shop. After the shop there aren’t any more toilets on the Route one until we return to the church. Information about toilets will be published with each experience. 

How long is the route?

Each experience is designed to take a day, usually starting around 9.30am finishing around 5pm. All routes are designed to be circular unless specified. Our first route is 8 mile/6 hr walk and starts and ends at the Holy Shrine of St Wite in the church of St Candida and the Holy Cross in Whitchurch Canonicorum DT6 6RQ. This route and pilgrimage experience will take us to sacred sites along the Way and up onto Golden Cap, the highest headland on the south coast of England, with the spectacular viewpoint it offers.

Can I bring my dog with me?

Unfortunately the pilgrimage experience is not suitable for dogs. There is often livestock on the routes and a lot of the walk is along cliff edges where it is not safe for dogs. Please don’t bring your dog.

What should I bring on the day?

Come prepared for rain and mud with suitable footwear and waterproof clothing. Some of the pilgrimage routes are on country lanes and are likely to involve crossing the A35 on foot so wear suitable clothing to be seen by traffic. Bring a water bottle and a bag to carry your equipment. 

You are encouraged to bring notebooks, drawing or writing equipment, cameras and phones to record your experience. 

A packed lunch will be provided by our local farm shop Felicity's and afternoon tea is provided on our return to the church as part of ticket price. 

Are you insured?

We have public liability insurance to cover injury or damage claims, but you are responsible for your own safety for the duration of your experience with us. 

What food should I bring with me?

A packed lunch, mid morning coffee and cake and afternoon tea back at the church are included in your ticket price. Dietary requirements are catered for. 

All you need to bring is any additional snacks you want to keep you energised during your pilgrimage walk. And bottled water. 

What happens if there is rain or bad weather on the day of the walk?

We will still walk if it is raining. But, if the weather is considered too dangerous by the guides we will contact you as soon as we have made the decision to cancel or postpone to another date. 

What's your refund and cancellation policy?

You may cancel your booking at any stage by contacting us directly. Admin charges apply for any cancellation within or up to and including 30 days notice: 

If we have to cancel your booking, you will receive a full refund or option to postpone your pilgrimage date, with no admin fee.

Are you interested in joining an upcoming pilgrimage? Get your tickets here.